Why Woodworking is good for you?

  1. It Reduces Anxiety and Stress,
  2. It Helps You Build Muscle,
  3. It Can Improve Your Maths Skills,
  4. It can Improve Mental Sharpness,
  5. It Boosts Your Mood,
  6. It Will Give You a New Skill Set,
  7. It Enhances Your Creative Development,
  8. Potential to save money,
  9. It May Improve Your Cardiovascular Health,
  10. Last but not least you can build and leave a legacy.

I have mentioned this on the home page of this web site, but I truly believe that woodworking has the potential to have long lasting health benefits.

Woodworking is already used to improve the health of people through workshops around the world.

The art of Woodworking has been around for decades. Woodworking can produce beautiful and amazing results and is about building and creating things.

You can make and create a variety of projects from larger items to smaller items. The more you work and the more action you take, the better you can become. There are amazing health benefits that come along with dedicating yourself to Woodworking.

Is Woodworking a good hobby? I truly believe so and this is why!

It Reduces Anxiety and Stress

Being involved in your woodworking project, the anxiety and stress of the day can ease. You can immerse yourself in your job, and when you enjoy it, things seem to ease ad your focus shifts.

It has been an effective channel for those who are coping from traumatic anxiety, stress, chronic pain, brain injuries, depression and other mental illness.

Hobbies of all kinds are a great way to alleviate anxiety and stress. 











It Helps You Build Muscle

Some of the woodworking activities require a level of physical activity, whether it is lifting different size timbers, moving machinery around, manually using hand tools or even just being on your feet moving around are all good in maintaining muscle mass and bone density.

Regular trips to the hardware not only give you the opportunity to interact with like-minded people but will add to the steps completed that day, as you peruse the isles, without even thinking about.

If you do feel fatigued at the end of the day, those sore calves, hamstrings and lower back then you may want to invest in an Anti fatigue Mat which you can find on Amazon.

Check out the Mat here on Amazon!

It Can Improve Your Maths Skills

Whilst woodworking there is a lot of measuring and cutting which involves mathematics. Constant adding, subtracting and division will be used to challenge and keep your maths skill base high.

Reading of plans and taking off measurements will also challenge you and ensure the project is built as it should.

It can Improve Mental Sharpness

Creative activity not only helps you maintain a healthy brain, but it can also be used to help deal with a wide range of daily challenges.

It is also known as a hobby that can keep your mind sharp and active even as you age. Therefore, so many people moving into retirement are taking up woodworking.

Woodworking uses both the left and right side of the brain as you use the creative side to come up with or follow a design with the logical part doing the measurements and calculations.

There are studies that have been completed to support this.

It Boosts Your Mood

When you enjoy woodworking, your mood can improve each time you do it. Your brain will release serotonin, and this is the chemical that is responsible for being happy. This also helps the enhancement of self-esteem.

Woodworking can be enjoyed with other people particularly with family.

This interaction can rekindle old relationships, broken relationships and form new relationships all having a positive influence on mood as well as your general health.

It Will Give You a New Skill Set

When woodworking there will be a wide range of new skills that you will learn along the way. There are plenty of online tutorials that will help you and I plan to provide some tips and tricks to support you along the way.

There is also the possibility to start a new career from the one you are in now. It can also become a great side hustle and a great avenue to make money.

Depending on what path you take you will may learn how to build a web site, market your products, reach out to the woodworking community in your area, return to college to complete a course or even take on an apprenticeship.

You will never stop learning.

It Enhances Your Creative Development

As you progress through your woodworking journey you will start to come up with projects on your own that will relate to your needs.

There will be projects around the home that you will design and complete as need arises.

As these projects progress you will trouble shoot and resolve problems and issues as they present themselves.

Having said this there are plenty of plans online that you can sink your teeth into which will take the guess work out it.

Potential to save money

If you are lucky enough to own your own home, you will be able to use some of the knowledge gained through woodworking to be able to complete general maintenance around the house.

The skill set that you will acquire through your woodworking journey you will also be able to complete some minor renovations and alterations making sure you comply with all local regulations.

You will also be able to make a range of household items like furniture and shelving to name a few.

Being able to do this can save you a lot of money and get you in the good books with the other half.

It May Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

As mentioned before with the moving of materials, shifting of any machinery and being active on your feet all can contribute to improving your cardiovascular health.

Since woodworking lowers your stress levels and stress is one of the main causes of heart-related issues, woodworking can make your heart healthier.

You can build and leave a legacy

Last but not least being able to produce and make something that you can leave to your children, grandchildren or even the local charity will give you immense satisfaction and leave your legacy for future generations to enjoy.

You can also pass on your skill set to your family and friends so they too can benefit from what woodworking has to offer.

Want to learn more about Woodworking and how to get started;


If you feel that this has brought up an issue, please consult your local doctor.

I am in no way a medical practitioner, so I stress that you seek professional advice if you are experiencing any issues.

The above list is general in nature and is a general guide only.

Happy Woodworking

Regards Ben


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  1. new 25 March 2020
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